What If You Could Live Your Life Each Day with Joy and Success?

We help you relax, “unclutter” your mind and live the happy life you deserve using simple and guided meditation. 


Don’t go to sleep with a stressed and racing mind.


Control your sleep quality

Enter a deeper, more restful state of sleep by filtering out the noisy thoughts.


Let go of what’s holding you back

Your unconscious barriers stop you from having what you want.


Improve your focus and memory

Watch your life unfold easily now your barriers to happiness and success are gone.

  • When I stumbled across Higher Truth I had reached my absolute limit. I was living in a constant state of fear, anxiety and unhappiness and I was beyond exhausted.


    To be honest I was quite concerned about the cost of the program especially with our recent financial difficulties we had been facing due to the Covid19 pandemic. However, this investment in myself and my wellbeing has already paid for itself seven times over.


    Words cannot explain how profound this experience was for me. This program helped me gain the clarity and emotional control I needed to overcome all of my current life difficulties. Michael provided a supportive and transformative space for me to work through my unconscious feelings. Not only are the sessions informative and educational, the one on one guided meditations are life changing.

    I will be forever grateful for this experience and would highly recommend this course to anyone dealing with poor quality sleep, anxiety, depression or just feeling lost and helpless due to life’s current circumstances.

    - Anonymous

  • I came across Michael whilst experiencing a lot of significant change in my life. If you’re struggling with certain areas of your life, like stress, anxiety, insomnia, or just a general feeling of ‘lost’ like I was, then I can guarantee you Michael will not only help you release these 'weights' on the mind but give you the techniques to open your awareness to see & experience much more. Meditation IS for everyone, and it is one of the few paths to truly knowing and loving yourself which will ultimately make you SO much happier. Thank You.

    Patrick Web designer
  • When I was first introduced to Michael, I was bit concerned and honestly, I didn’t have much confidence. My initial thought was how would a three-month program possibly help me with the lifelong anxiety, fear, and shyness that I was suffering from.  Then again, I thought, maybe I should give it a go – it wouldn’t hurt. However, after first couple of sessions with Michael, I felt some transformation happening. I started to become calmer, relaxed and less anxious. I started to become happier and more joyful than I was before. The relationship with my immediate family and friends started to improve. Michael helped me to understand my emotions and the hidden causes for those unconscious feelings. He taught me the techniques of letting go of those negative feelings. After completing the program, I’m in a much better state of mind now. Michael provided me with the tools to cultivate a joyful life and showed me the direction to get there. I will be forever grateful to Michael for changing my life. I genuinely believe, the decision I took to participate in this program was the best decision I have taken in my life. I would highly recommend this to anyone who wants to live a happy and joyful life without fear and anxiety.

    Dinu W Accountant
  • I saw Michael after a period of not sleeping well due to a racing mind. In our sessions Michael was able to cut through the noise which allowed me to understand the exact underlying emotions that were causing my anxiety and unease. Its empowering to know that once you understand and acknowledge these underlying emotions their power over you diminishes. Michael's structured approach was very effective in helping me work through a separation that left me continually working through and analysing the past. Michael put me at ease immediately and after each session it was exciting to uncover exactly which emotions were dragging me down and tackle them head on. I found that once I acknowledged and understood these uneasy emotions they were not so powerful any longer. I highly recommend Michael to anyone that wishes to dive a little deeper and confront difficult life events so you can find peace and be more present in your day to day life.

    Luke Finance
  • When I first noticed Michael Paterson on Facebook it was his name that stopped me in my tracks. I had known someone else with that same name who had died fairly recently. Michael was writing about his work with meditation for people with sleep problems. I found myself reading what he wrote because I was a long time insomniac. He invited people to contact him and normally I would not do that. I read his comments to other people and they seemed kind and genuinely wanting to help rather than just trying to sell his meditation programme. So I wrote a message to him and he wrote back with some details about the course. I had tried a couple of other different types of meditation previously but hadn’t noticed much long term change. But I decided to give this a go, reassuring myself that I could withdraw at any time during the 3 month long course without losing money if I found it wasn’t for me.   But I soon discovered that it was for me ! It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. The programme is based around letting go of negative emotions that we have been holding on to for years, and sometimes, as in my case, decades. It seemed too easy to be true, or effective. But it is based on very sound principles, that emotions drive thoughts- hence my racing mind when I was trying to sleep each night. If I could get rid of those closely guarded emotions, my thoughts would quieten and perhaps I’d sleep when I went to bed at night.   After my first few sessions with Michael, and without being aware of how it happened, I found myself feeling much more peaceful, relaxed, and with a feeling that I can only describe as being ‘gently happy’, and that everything was going to be all right. I have uncovered a heap of closely guarded fears and other emotions that have not been helpful throughout my life. As a psychologist, I have worked with the unhelpful emotions of hundreds of people, while my own emotions were firmly locked away, never to be examined- until now.   My sleep is slowly improving and as an added bonus I now have less pain and more energy, alongside the happy, loving peacefulness, that I continue to feel.   I am immensely grateful to Michael and admire his skill and compassion in the delivery of his programme. He has set me free on a lifelong path that can only become happier and more peaceful as I travel along it. I give him my heartfelt thanks.

    Anonymous Psychologist
  • Michael helped me identify and subtly, but powerfully, release emotions long ago suppressed at boarding school, where I learned to build protective walls around me.   Suppressed emotions that were still unconsciously getting in the way of my life many decades later. Such that they were still affecting my worldview and decision making and thus affecting my quality of life.   This work has formed an important part of me unravelling many of these “old chestnuts”, so they can no longer cloud the clarity of my path in my life’s work.   I wholeheartedly recommend Michael’s work no matter how old or successful you already are.   Thanks again wholeheartedly for your help Michael.

    Heiner K Executive Coach
  • Meditation with Michael has absolutely transformed my life... I could not recommend Michael's classes enough you just have to experience it for yourself.

    Dessie Lawyer
  • Working with Michael has been such a transformation for me. I came across his website while searching for ways to address stress, insomnia and anxiety - and I am so pleased that I did.   When I first started, I felt I was holding myself together to get through each day without tears. The early sessions were hard work, but the results made it easier and easier to carry on. At no time did I want to give up or have any doubt in the fact it was clearly working for me.  It was a gradual process of being less and less overwhelmed and feeling more and more empowered to cope with anything ahead.   I would highly recommend Michael to anyone feeling overwhelmed or under emotional strain or stress. The results are truly terrific.

    Trudi S Public Relations
  • After battling the extreme fear of a traumatic event, I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. I had become unsocial, unusually fearful, anxious and eventually angry. Then I was introduced to Michael Paterson. I saw it as a last desperate attempt to ‘be me again’.  Michael gave me my life back. I was relieved. I was enabled. I was waiting to be back in my fearful, anxiety ridden, introverted black hole. It never happened.  It just got better. He is a professional practitioner who is completely genuine and empathetic, with an innate ability to help you heal yourself.  Thank you.

    K.B Marketing / Administration Manager
  • Michael has been a great support for me trying to juggle running my company and also raising a young family. He is able to put things in perspective that I just could not see for myself. Working through the sessions with Michael we have been able to find tools for me to use when things are getting overwhelming and stressful which has made a huge difference to my professional and personal life and the meditation is a great way for me to be able to switch off and find some clarity. I will continue to see Michael as I can see a huge benefit in our catch ups. I had tried other options before Michael without success, I would recommend anyone to at least try this out.

    Ryan E Business Owner
  • The sessions with Michael have been life changing. I have been able to lift so much sadness and regain my strength allowing me to smile again... I would recommend this to anyone who suffers from anxiety and / or depression. Your body will thank you greatly.


Life can be hard, frantic and stressful, but you have the ability to change it.

Follow this easy roadmap and begin to make changes in your life today

Book your free session

An easy 20-minute conversation to give you clarity on what’s best for you

Meditate & Be guided

I’ll help you let go of your stress and release unconscious barriers to happiness.

Take back control of your life

Watch how you effortlessly make better choices and life becomes happy and successful.

Everyone has the right to live a happy life

Is it time for you to make a change to your situation? Can you afford for these feelings you have to continue? You can learn to be calm in every situation. You might just need some guidance.


How to Naturally Defeat Poor Quality Sleep, Anxiety and Depression without Any Medication

  • How to get a deeper, more restful state of sleep
  • The key to controlling your emotions and outcomes
  • Learn to stay grounded in tense situations